There are two writers that I hope to read and own everything they have written or ever will.The ifrst is the late, great Lewis Grizzard. Grizzard was a columnist for the Atlanta Journal Constitution for most of his life. He did spend a year or so working in Chicago before he escaped back the deep South, as he put it. He could make me belly laugh reading one page and on the next, I would be sobbing. He toured as a comedian in his later years and I had the honor of seeing him perform in Mobile.
The other man whose writing has the same effect on me is Joe McNally. McNally you say? Doesn't he write about photography?
Yes he does and he does it very well.He does it in a very humorous way but on the next page tells a story that brings tears to your eyes.
I started reading his work because it addresses the style of photography I enjoy and that is working with different kinds of light together to create the image. Isn't that what all photography is about, you ask? Well, maybe.
There are purists who believe that it's natural light or none. Then there are those who think their huge studio lights with the camera in Manual is the only way a true photographer works.
McNally uses whatever is necessary to get an image and tell the story he wants to tell. And he's not afraid to say he uses a remote commander with the TTL working when he can or has to. He doesn't let purism (is that a word?) get in the way of his photography.
His latest book, , Sketching Light, is an excellent example of how to use one or more speedlights to make the image. How to shoot it through a diffuser, bounce it off a wall, ceiling or other. Whatever it takes to get the job done. His first two books were wonderful and will remain in my library forever.
(this image is borrowed from Amazon,com so you can't click on it but go to their site to purchase the book)
McNally shoots for Life, Nat Geo, Sports Illustrated magazines, to name a few. He teaches workshops around the world and blogs. And he writes books.
Check him out at to see some of his work and to find links to his books and blog.
if you have a Kindle you can download a sample to see if you like the book before you buy, just a thought!