Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Don't do what I did!

Newer Canon cameras have the option of taking a picture without a memory card in the camera.  This is a selectable option which I had foolishly set to allow. 

I had a recent opportunity to shoot some portraits but I failed to put the memory card into the slot!  Now, let me tell you that my standard practice is to upload all images to my computer, unusally the same day I shoot them.  I then put the card(s) back into the camera and re-format them.  I then leave a card in the camera so I'm ready to go when needed. 

But this time I didn't follow my normal protocol and wound up shooting several images without a card.  I didn't realize this until much later and then further discovered that these images are not stored in any temporary memory so they were lost!  (at least I haven't found a way to retrieve them)

Fortunately, I was equipped that day with two cameras and had used both.  Of course the images weren't the same as I was using two different focal length lenses but at least the day wasn't lost.

Needless to say, I immediately changed that option to not allow the camera to operate withour a memory card!

Happy shooting!

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