Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Camera Obscura in the 21st Century

In Camera, Lights, Digital I, Walter Bower teaches the history of photography which began many centuries ago with the camera obscura, or darkened room.  Over the years the camera obscura was used to cast an image onto paper where it was traced until someone figured out how to expose the image onto a a silver covered plate, thus a permanent "photographic" image was preserved. 

Now, camera obscura takes on a new dimension with the work of artist Abelardo Morell which can be seen here:  http://www.abelardomorell.net/

Enjoy the art then  try your own version!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

In Memory

In my years of photography,I have taken 10's of thousands of pictures with maybe a few hundred being put to any good use.  My images hang on walls, sit in frames on tables, grace the screens of computers as desktop or screen saver images.  Some pictures get public attention while most are rarely seen outside the owners home or office.

Every time I see one of my images being used or displayed, I am flattered.   That's what I wanted when I pushed the shutter button but I'm still surprised to see them displayed.

A few years ago, I was asked to take photographs to be used in the directory for my small church.  I agree since it gave me an excuse to buy studio lights, backgrounds, stands etc.!  Soince there was no money for me  in this, it gave me a lot of experience.  The pictures were taken, the directory printed and I haven't thought much about it since then.

Today, I attended a memorial service for one of those church members and friend, Johnnie Carl Grimes, Sr.  On the cover of the program for the service was a picture of Johnnie, the one I took those few years ago.  The picture was cropped by someone to show only Johnnie's face but I knew it was mine.

Now this was not an award winning image.  It was actually  more of a snapshot than a work of art.  And it was probably the last portrait he had made in his long life.  But for whatever reason, his family chose to put it on the cover of the program, a program that I know his sons and their children and  grandchildren took home and put in a scrap book or in the family Bible as a remembrance of Johnnie and his life and death.

Johnnie and his wife Daisy have had an impact on many lives over their years, me included.  To see my work playing this role, made me very proud and very flattered.

My image was not special, but Johnnie was.  Goodbye old friend, we'll miss you.

Johnnie Carl Grimes, Sr.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Intro to Lightroom version 1.0 DONE!

Last night marked the culmination of my first class in Lightroom for the USA Special Courses.  I had a great time with a wonderful group of participants and I hope they learned as much as I did!

This class is the inspiration for this blog.  I found that I couldn't cram all the info I wanted to share into the time allotted for the class. Additionally, I find I remember stuff at home that I wanted to cover but missed!

I also found that I have some basic photgraphy info that I want to share and I think readers will find helpful.

Having said all that, thanks for visiting the first ever blog posting and I hope you'll return for many more!
